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Cat Turns On Faucet & Floods Out Florida Humane Society: Should’ve Had a FloodMaster!

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July 4, 2018 at 11:48:00 PM PDT July 4, 2018 at 11:48:00 PM PDTth, July 4, 2018 at 11:48:00 PM PDT

Recently, a cat at the Pompano Beach, FL Humane Society apparently turned on a sink water faucet at the nonprofit’s shelter, flooding the entire building!

Although none of the cats has confessed, there is a suspect. The Humane Society is not naming the kitten, however.

According to the Miami Herald the “suspect” has been adopted since the flood, and Humane Society warned the new owners that “this cat is intelligent enough to turn on water faucets.”

The flood left three to four inches of standing water, which damaged floors, cabinets and walls. Eight rooms were affected. The Humane Society also lost a large amount of cat food and cat litter. The damage was estimated to be about $5,000.

What’s more, some 30 or so cats have had to be relocated while the repairs are done.

Sadly, the entire incident could have been avoided with the installation of a water leak detection system from RDT. RDT’s FloodMaster or RS-360 products would have shut off the local or main water supply and sent an audible alarm, and even a phone call to 9 different phone numbers to let people you know about the disaster.

Businesses, nonprofits – and cat owners should look into a water alarm sensor from RDT. We have a solution for every space and budget.